Monday, April 11, 2011

Garlic and Avocado Parasite Killer

This is a recipe that I vow to make a permanent part of my life. Okay due to the garlic, I might only have it once a week or at least ease up on the garlic a bit. I figure if it can help me to eliminate parasites, then it can also help to prevent them in the future.

You might not want to try this, especially after you look at the ingredients, but really it is not that bad. The avocado, lemon and spices help to take away the taste of the garlic. The only thing that you will have to deal afterwards, is the garlic breath. If you are unsure about adding that much garlic, or that much of the spices, then you can start with a small amount and work your way up to the amount that you like. I like to eat this as it is, but you could probably add it in with other foods as well. Read More...

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