Friday, November 19, 2010

5 Easy Ways To Prevent Obesity

More and more people are affected by obesity everyday. This is mainly due to all the unhealthy foods that are available on the market. Vending machines will do you no favor, and driving down a busy city street is also of no help, especially around mealtimes. However, despite of all that, there are many things that you can do to prevent obesity and even reverse it. Here are 5 sure ways to get you started.

Avoid Temptations

The best thing that you can do for yourself is to avoid food temptations whenever possible. That means if you have to drive on the outskirts of town to get to the other side to avoid all the fast food places, then do so.

To avoid vending machines, bring your own snacks such as nuts and seeds. And when filling up at the gas station, pay at the pump, as this will keep you away from the rows and rows of chips and candy bars inside.

Eat Healthy Foods

Eating healthy is also extremely important as that will not only provide you with the proper nutrients, but it will also help you to avoid fast foods and other junk foods.

Some of the best foods to add into your diet are nuts and seeds, avocados, leaf vegetables, sprouts, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. You may also add in plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables juices, or even go on a juice fast.

Avoid Animal Products

Animal products such as milk and milk products, meat, especially red meat, as well as eggs are high in saturated fats that will cause you to gain weight. Thus if you eliminate them, or at least reduce them, then you will be able to better manage your weight.

Plenty of Fluids

Once you start adding in more fruits and vegetables into your diet, then you will also need to drink more fluids. This is due to the high amount of fiber that is contained in fruits and vegetables. The fiber absorbs the water in the digestive tract, and thus the more water is absorbed, the more you need to drink.

Some of the best fluids to add into your diet are water, fresh juices and herbal tea such as ginger tea, and a combination of other herbs and spices including cilantro, parsley, lemon balm, rosemary, sage, cinnamon and nutmeg.


Last but not least, exercise can help you to stay in shape and retain your muscle mass. Muscle mass weighs more, but it also helps you to burn more fat cells. Several 30 minute sessions of cardio and strength training per week is really all you need to maintain your muscle mass.

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